

Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

How To Care For Teeth After Getting Dental Sealants

Do you become fed up with consistent episodes of cavities and other dental problems? If that is the case, dental sealants could become your new best buddies! Dental sealants are solutions placed on the carving of the teeth to decrease the ability of bacteria that cause cavities to hide. But like any dental procedure, maintenance must be permanent and successful.

This article seeks to guide you on maintaining your dental sealants in their best possible state. Here are some ways to help make that happen and to keep your teeth strong and healthy!

What are Dental Sealants?

Dental sealants are plastic substances that can be painted either clear or in numerous shiny hues, consisting of pink or blue, and applied at the molar surfaces of the back teeth inside the grooves and fissures. Sealants coat the floor of these teeth, making it impossible to grow plaque and bacteria that cause cavities to broaden.

These are mainly used for children, though anybody, even an adult, can use them. Although they can stay in a mouth for several years, they must be replaced after this time.

To keep the sealants intact, brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste at least in the morning and before sleeping and floss at least once. Do not eat anything complicated and chewy since they make the sealants fall off. An appointment with the dentist is advised, but it may not be done so often.

When Do I Need Dental Sealants:

  • Oral coatings and dental sealants are a frequent component of oral healthcare. They are a preventative measure to avoid the following:
  • Other less effective and more expensive treatments, such as fillings and crowns, are also available.
  • Formation of dental plaque
  • Periodontal diseases include clinical infections like pulp, blood vessels, and nerves. Inflammation in this area yields intense pain.
  • Loss of minerals, which are located in the enamel zone and which are dissolved by the acids
  • Extraction of the tooth to address the prolonged technical loss

Age is positively associated with exposure to decay. Some medications might even alter the saliva’s protection properties in the long run. You can consult a Texas dentist for a dental sealant near you if you have the following:

A history of dental caries
Deep pits and fissure grooves usually identify grooved tubercles or crenate teeth. Enamel defects

You also need additional coverage to protect against cavities due to poor brushing habits. Furthermore, it is essential to note that those patients with restored work or implants cannot be considered for sealants.

What is the Procedure Involved?

The first consultation includes preliminary works. This includes a general check-up of your oral health and using X-rays to determine any existing cavities. The previous states reveal that sealing in existing tooth decay could lead to further deterioration and damage of other teeth. If there are major dental ailments, these will be treated first before applying sealants.

Applying the sealant is a simple process. Your cosmetic dentist will only require a few minutes to spread the adhesive over the tooth to close it. The sealant will be applied on only those teeth that have been fully erupted. The application steps are as follows:

  • The teeth that are to be closed shall be cleaned very well.
  • Each tooth will then be cleaned off with cotton to dry the surface of the tooth.
  • To prevent the tooth from getting contaminated with other fluids, an absorbent paper will be placed around the tooth.
  • Initially, the dentist will apply an acid solution on the proximal surfaces of the teeth so that the sealant bonds firmly since the chewing surface will be roughened.
  • Afterward, the teeth are washed off the acid and dried.
  • Occasionally, a special curing light is used to set the material quickly.

Taking Care Of Your Dental Sealant

Therefore, Dental sealants are the right products to avoid cavities and other related dental issues. However, once you have had these dental sealants applied to your teeth, there are certain things you have to do to get maximum benefits. Here are some tips for dental sealant aftercare:

1. Brush Your Teeth Twice a Day

The most effective thing anyone who wants healthy teeth and gums can do is brush his or her teeth at least twice a day. One should spend time brushing, making circles, and guaranteeing all facets of the teeth are brushed. It’s also essential to ensure that they brush for less than 2 minutes and that the fluoride toothpaste has the ADA seal.

Hence, cleaning around the sealants while brushing becomes necessary to remove plank and debris that may be stuck around the sealant. When the food particles accumulate along the line of the plaque and calculus, caries increase; therefore, such places should be brushed well.

2. Floss Regularly

If your dentist has recommended sealants, you must maintain proper flossing and do it frequently. While the sealants will go a long way in ensuring that debris cannot get trapped in the grooves of the teeth, it will not be a feat impossibility to trap debris with the sealant material. Hence, flossing is essential daily because it guarantees that all the ingredients trapped within the sealant can be cleaned, particularly when one cannot use a toothbrush.

3. Visit Your Dentist Regularly

It is perfectly safe to apply sealants, and they have a durability of 10 years with proper care, and they help prevent decay.

That is why seeing a dentist regularly for a check-up is advisable. During your checkup, your dentist can check your sealants and confirm whether they are in good condition. If, after a few years, there are indications of staining or chipping, your dentist will suggest a suitable repair or redo.

Foods You Must Avoid

Applying sealants can be very useful in preventing cavities or any other dental problem. Other important advice on the protection of dental sealant after treatment includes the following;

1. Sticky Foods

Any food item that is sticky or poses some sticking force can easily strip the sealant off its position. This situation can make your teeth defenseless against cavities and decay. These foods should be shunned at least 24 hours after the treatment.

2. Hard Foods

Sticky foods like candies, nuts, and even ice can damage the newly applied sealant, and your teeth will then be susceptible to further cavities. Avoid hard foods because they exert pressure on the sealants, causing them to come off.

3. Acidic Foods

An acidic environment may damage the seal while eating foods like oranges, lemons, tomatoes, and any food prepared using vinegar. Prolonged use of acidic foods should be discouraged for at least one day after the treatment.


Dental sealants may be highly useful when preventing cavities, but they help somewhat if you know how to maintain them properly. With the help of our tips regarding the use and misuse of dental sealants, you will be able to keep your teeth safe and sound.

Routine dental checkups are paramount when undertaking any treatments for concerns of the mouth, lips, or teeth; therefore, one should seek an appointment if any signs are felt or noticed. By following these tips, you’ll have no issue maintaining your dental sealants, which should last a long time. Visit Aransas Pass Dentist, TX, for all your dental issues.