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Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

What diseases can be caused by having poor oral health?

Having poor oral health is a major turn-off. There are numerous poor habits that we inculcate, contributing to dental issues and eventually worsening oral health. People often don’t notice their dental issues at the start, and hence, it causes damage. 

Poor oral hygiene is caused by several internal and external factors. One such issue is Halitosis, a severe indicator of multiple oral health problems. Whether you have an unhealthy lifestyle or don’t have a proper brushing or flossing routine, you are entitled to face major dental issues, which can further contribute to other major health problems.

Patients often feel stressed and overwhelmed when they hear about oral health diseases. But there is nothing to worry about if you have the correct information and tips for tackling them. Therefore, we will talk about some significant diseases that can be caused by inadequate oral health and how you can combat them. 

Different diseases caused by poor oral health

Anything from a toothache to bleeding gums to bad breath can lead to significant health concerns if not taken care of at the early stages. It is easy to accumulate multiple germs and bacteria in your mouth, which can quickly get into your bloodstream, causing inflammation and impacting your overall health. 

Therefore, to give you a better idea, here are the most common yet serious diseases that are caused by poor oral health:

Poor heart health:

The most common disease that can be caused by bad oral health is poor heart health or cardiovascular disease. If you are suffering from sore, solen, or sensitive gums and it’s not treated within the time, it can impact your heart health. 

Moreover, gums that bleed regularly and stay sore for days attract bacteria very quickly. These germs and bacteria easily travel in your bloodstream, causing infections and high inflammation that can contribute to high blood pressure and poor heart health. If the issue continues, it can affect the artery walls. 

Lung infection:

Another common disease that can be caused due to bad oral health is lung infection. There are plenty of bacteria that our mouth overproduces when there is a cavity or any other complication. 

These germs and unnecessary bacteria hamper the functioning of the good bacteria in the body and start messing with the body’s natural habitat. This further leads to impaired dental health. 

Our breathing responses are disrupted by these germs/viruses as we swallow or inhale them, resulting in chronic diseases such as COPD, acute infections, pneumonia, bronchitis, etc. Therefore, you must follow a good brushing routine to keep these complications at bay. 

Type1 Diabetes

There is no doubt that overeating sweet or sugary foods can affect your oral health in multiple ways. Though people think diabetes is a hereditary disease, not taking care of your food intake and mindlessly eating refined and sugary food will cause cavities and infections, which will, in turn, cause type 1 Diabetes. 

Eating sweets like doughnuts, chocolates, etc., is fine, but when it is done within a limit and is followed by a good oral care routine. Because otherwise, it will have multiple bacterial reactions that can spike your blood sugar levels leading to diabetes and other health issues. 

These were some of the health issues caused by poor oral health maintenance. But as we all know, precaution is better than cure. You can follow some easy dental health habits like brushing twice a day, flossing thrice a week, brushing your teeth with light hands, using a soft bristle toothbrush, using dental mouthwash, taking care of your eating habits, and most importantly, visiting your dentist for regular check-ups to avoid issues related to your teeth.